Friday, June 15, 2012

Dumpster Day

We finally got our dumpster, and spent the day cleaning out all the junk that has accumulated in the basement. 

It is taller than Beth
Cleaning out a theatre is dirty work

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Workshops: Episode One: The Ryan Walter Experience

Here are some photos of our first Summer Company Workshop, led by Ryan Walter. We had so much fun playing together - we forgot to take non-blurry pictures! But thanks to Gay and her Iphone, we were able to capture a fraction of the magic for you to see!

Planning a glorious, if short, stage adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood
Woolf and Little Red get into a fist-fight (that's in the story, right?)
Can it be done in 30 seconds? Liam and Harry are at once amused and skeptical.
"Do NOT make me pull this car over!"
Ryan Explains It All For You

A really big 'thank you' to Ryan for kicking our summer off right!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Yes, our season ended two weeks ago, and Summer Theatre Camp doesn't start until July - so you might think we'd be sipping margaritas by the pool, but you'd be wrong! Instead, we're building a NEW THEATRE! Also, we don't even have a pool (but if you have one you'd like to donate, it is 100% tax deductible).

Today marks Day Two of our not-so-secret summer project. Located right underneath the theatre space where you're used to seeing Curio shows will be a brand new space.

Complete with our own entrance:

A Lobby:

A Concessions Stand:
(currently the 'trash zone' as our dumpster arrives next week)
An Awesome Staircase:

Even A Stage:

What could be more fun than spending the summer knocking down walls with Paul Kuhn and CJ Keller?

Answer: probably a lot of things. NOTHING!

I'll keep you posted on the progress.
