Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Snack Days

Two weeks ago, while in the midst of the closing Eurydice, helping coordinate the showcase for this year's Fall Saturday Theatre Classes, and putting in hours at my day job, I somehow found time to bake a batch of chocolate chip and oatmeal bar cookies for the the first rehearsal of Accidental Death of an Anarchist. I ran out of time to handcraft individual cookies, so the dough went straight into a pan and became bars.

I made these Tuesday, and they lasted a little under a week. How do I know that? One, I was there. Two, the cast of Eurydice found the final remnants of the bars around Friday night and expressed their feelings of abandonment.

Last week I baked again. Having the time, I made actual cookies instead of bars, and because they are (Superintendent) Len's favorite, and because he was super nice to me one rehearsal last week, I made oatmeal raisin. These did not make it through one rehearsal. That's four hours.

How can one snack last so much longer than the other, in the face of starving artists? Our director, and fearless leader, Craig answered this for me. Actors are lazy. Cutting out one bar from a pan is too much effort to extend, even of it means you get to eat a cookie.

This week, after days of pestering and copious amounts of bribery, I've made mini banana nut muffins. Let's see how long they make it.

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